What a Treatment Involves

The first session

The first session involves a full consultation to collect a detailed picture of your horse and presenting issues. Information about the horse’s background and general state of health is collected. Static and dynamic conformation are assessed. A palpatory assessment of the horse is also undertaken to determine any obvious areas of tension or discomfort.

The where...

The treatment itself is best undertaken in a place where the horse is most relaxed. Their stable is best, so that he is free to move around, urinate and drink during the breaks. If a stable is not available, then he can be tied him in a quiet area with few distractions.

During the session

It’s advisable to avoid feed times as this excites most horses. A typical treatment will last approximately 45 mins to 1 hour. Please allow slightly longer for the initial consultation.

After the session

Advice will be given on when the horse can be exercised and what sort of work would be appropriate. Preferably, the horse should be given two days off work following treatment.

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